Friday, June 27, 2008

Day one of the Road trip to Vermont

After days of promising I would be ready to leave tomorrow. Tomorrow finaly came. After boxing up and shipping everything that I thought would be useful in Alaska I still had a lot left over. After several trips to the thrift store I started to pack my car.

Was there still room for Zoey? Just barely.

I have so much stuff in and on my car that my stuts are maxed out. I upped the air pressure in my tires to 40 lbs.

So Friday Morning I hit the road. I took I-40 West. They sky was overcast and it was a cool morning. I snapped photos as I made my way along. At first I was nervous travling with all of this stuff in my car, but soon I got used to the way my car handled with this load.

I made my way through big sky county and the bible belt of Texas.

You know you are in the Bible belt when you see the world's largest cross.

Things were going great. I even got 25 mi/gal on my first tank of gas.
Then the wind kicked up. No wonder they have so many wind farms out here!

Zoey Needed a break, so we found the K-9 Rest Area.

Finaly time for a long rest...


NPinMilwaukee said...

Poor mr. zoey! She looks so unhappy in that cramped car! HAHA HA HA!!!

kscott said...

Yea! A rest are just for Zoey.

NPinMilwaukee said...

i can't wait to see Mr. Zoey! I'm so excited!!!