Monday, September 29, 2008

Caribou and Jury Duty

So last night as I was getting ready to head over to the school to work on my weekly lesson plans I got a knock on my door. It was one of the other teachers asking if I wanted a leg of a caribou that had been killed that day. I took the leg and cleared off a space on my counter. The sinew is so tough. I am learning a lot about muscle anatomy as I cut the fresh meat away from the bone. There are tough sheaths of connective tissue that bundle the muscles together.
This is the meat after it was all cut away from the bone. Maybe 4 lbs?
Tonight caribou fajitas. I have the tortillas from New Mexico thanks to my land lord. I have a head of iceburg lettuce from the village store, and even an avocado, a few shades shy of ripe, but edible add a little salsa and we are cooking.

Zoey got a nice leg bone and was able to enjoy it despite the fact that a stray village dog was trying to steal it from her.

Jury duty

I think there is a lot of crime in New Mexico. Almost everyone I know who has lived in New Mexico has been asked to serve Jury Duty, I am no exception. But seeing how I was supposed to be there for orientation on the 26th of September and today is the 29th, and the fact that I am about 3 thousand miles away, I don’t think I am going to make it. That’s too bad, it would have been an excused absence from work and I could have visited my friends, but I do not think the minimum wage stipend they pay would have covered my travel costs.

Fred Myers

I just received a bunch a fresh produce from Fred Myers. Romaine lettuce, kale, broccoli, apples oranges, mangos, tomatoes, cucumber, carrots. I had a big fat salad for dinner. In fact I did not have room for the Salmon that I made. I guess I can have that on my salad at lunch tomorrow. Yum I need to enjoy the fresh produce while I can… I do not think that I will be able to get much of it when it is 40 below. It would freeze and get all soggy. I might as well plan on eating a lot of frozen veggies for a few months.

1 comment:

NPinMilwaukee said...

help dad butcher some deer for the same reason - muscle anatomy. But it is also gross at the same time. I hope it was yummY? YES?

HA HA _ jury duty> Wait until you find out there's a warrant for you :P