Friday, September 12, 2008

SAY ahhh

So I was working at school late on Monday night, when I left my throat was dry and tight. My voice was scratchy. I waited two days before going to the clinic despite everyone telling me I was sick, I had strep, maybe pneumonia... or what ever is going around...

So I finally made an appointment and went over there. The guy working at the clinic is a little quirky, but nice. He looked in my ears and told me both my ear drums were completely scared over. I don't remember any other doctor ever telling me that. I know I have ruptured my ear drums, but I did not know they were scarred. Oh well. So he looks in my throat, and nose, yup they look red and sore. Okay. So let's do a rapid strep test. So he tries to swab me but I can't seem to relax my tounge long enough for him to get in there and get a good swab. I don't know why I could not say ahhhh and just let him swab my throat. Well he ended up taking three separtate tests before he determined that I did not have strep. Oh well, so he hooked me up with 800 mg of Motrin and I was good to go. Wow that really works... I felt a lot better. well the Motrin, copious amounts of tea, salt water gargle and the neti pot...

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