Thursday, November 27, 2008

Blueberries and Cherries?

I have never heard this expression before last night.

So last night we walked over to the principals house to borrow the truck to go aurora watching. Zoey ran off into the bushes, and we were trying to call her back as the truck drove away. Doh! Were they going out to the dump to look at the Northern lights. It was about -20 F with the windchill. There are too many lights in town to tell whether the Northern lights are out or not. So I continued on past the street lights and walked a little ways up into the tundra until I could see a faint green glowing arc in the sky. Yup there are out. A few minutes later the truck came back. He said he had seen a lady fall down drunk in the street so he went to the Police station to get her some help. The cop, yes we only have one cop, at least at a time, was not there. But he said the Lady who had fallen down was not in the street anymore, so she must have found some help. So he let us take the truck. As we neared the edge of town we saw the cop getting into his vehicle. So that is why Brian did not find him. Anyhow so we continue on the one road out of town. There are headlights in my rear view mirror. Is he following us? Yup, I kept driving. Then the red and blue lights came on. So I pulled over. I could not believe that I was being pulled over? What did I do wrong.

I rolled down the window. Tony walks up asking "Did you guys come to the station?" We explain how Brian was just there about the intoxicated lady. I feel the need to explain why we are taking a dead end road out of town. "We are just going out to the dump to look at the lights." He did not seem to care. I guess he just recognized the truck.

Small town, not much going on.

Oh well. So I guess they call the blue and red lights blueberries and cherries in Illinois.

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